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Showing posts from March, 2021


  Not a ton to report this week. They are working on backfilling. They have to backfill the garage with compactable soil and will then pour the slab in the garage. They also have to fill the areas where we will have our front porch and back patio with the compactable soil but the rest of the stuff can be backfilled with regular soil. Here are some pictures of the progress.  You can't really tell from this picture above, but there is quite a slope down from the house into the back yard and I'm going to have to figure out how to landscape that... The weather was spring-y and crappy this last week so I thought the blue sky was a nice one to end on. The weather is supposed to change from 50's and rainy to the 70's and sunny come April so we are looking forward to that! This last picture is the most recent one from earlier today. 

Stem Walls and Windows

  They poured the concrete into the forms early last week and took them off within a day. They then came back and cleaned up the job site and let the concrete cure for the rest of the week. I love the view here facing that sunset! While we were waiting for the concrete to cure we met with our builder and the distributor that they use for their windows and exterior doors. They had bid out the windows based on the plans and we were meeting to go over everything and clarify questions. Before the meeting I reviewed the plans and compared it to the bid and found that they had missed one of windows in a guest bathroom and the bid had mentioned that two windows shown on the elevation plans were not on the actual floor plans and so we had to be pretty thorough. They had the windows drawn in as casement windows but in my mind I had always imagined single hung windows. I didn't know what these were called but I visited the  Anderson Windows website  and as I looked around I found o...

Forms and Footings

 Things are moving right along. This week they poured the footings. They got the forms up and poured footings within a day or two. One day later they took the forms off the footings and started setting up the forms for the foundation walls.  Here the common foundation is not slab like I'm used to from homes I worked on back home when I was in college or high school. We will have a crawl space but it will be about 4 feet tall so its more of a crouch space than a crawl space. This picture below is my daughter who is 4' 6" tall walking around with me on a site visit after soccer practice. In other news, the price of lumber keeps climbing and we have a new estimate on cost, which stinks, because it's a bit higher than the first estimate. Because we had the delay with the financing issues in November/December and we pushed the start date out to late February/early March the costs went up about 35%. This totally sucks but we really have no choice at this point. Below is a sc...

Foundation Prep

The soil on our lot was not great for a foundation so we had to dig a deep hole and then back fill it with soil that can compact well enough to support the house. We had to put 3 feet of backfill in! We watched them bring load after load of dirt and then smooth it out and compact it and then do it all over again until the full 3 feet were filled in. Last night I took my daughter up there after soccer practice and we walked around on the final grade. Footings and forms should be going up next week!